Mon–Sun 06:00–01:00Tpilet ticket machine:
Mon–Sun 06:00–01:00Ticket office:
Mon–Fri 07:30–20:00
Sat 08:00–20:00
Sun 09:00–20:00Ticket office opening hours on holidays:
23.02.25 – 09:00–20:00
24.02.25 – 07:30–20:00Location:
Lastekodu 46, 10113 TallinnTARTU BUS STATION
Mon–Sun 07:00–22:00Tpilet ticket machine:
Mon–Sun 07:00–22:00Ticket office:
Mon–Fri 07:30–20:00
Sat 08:00–18.00
Sun 09:00–17:00Ticket office opening hours on holidays:
23.02.25 – 09:00–17:00
24.02.25 – 09:00–17:00Location:
Mon–Fri 08:00–19:00
Sat–Sun 09:00–16:00Ticket office:
Mon–Fri 08:00–19:00
Sat–Sun 09:00–16:00Ticket office opening hours on holidays:
23.02.25 – 09:00–13:00
24.02.25 – suletudLocation:
Fama Center, Fama põik 10, 20303 NarvaRAKVERE BUS STATION
Mon–Sun 07:00–20:30Tpilet ticket machine:
Mon–Sun 07:00–20:30Ticket office:
Mon–Fri 08:00–17:30
Sat 09:00–16:30Ticket office opening hours on holidays:
23.02.25 – suletud
24.02.25 – suletudLocation:
Laada 18a, 44310 RakvereJÕHVI BUS STATION
Mon–Sun 06:00–22:00Tpilet ticket machine:
Mon–Sun 06:00–22:00Ticket office:
Mon–Fri 08:00–19:00
Sat–Sun 09:00–16:00Ticket office opening hours on holidays:
23.02.25 – 09:00–13:00
24.02.25 – suletudLocation:
Jewe Center, Narva mnt 8, 41536 JõhviCUSTOMER SUPPORT
Customer support working hours:
Mon–Fri 08:00–19:00
Sat–Sun 09:00–17:00Customer support working hours on holidays:
23.02.25 – 09:00–17:00
24.02.25 – 09:00–17:00You will be charged €0.30 per minute, plus local call charges imposed by your telephone operator and connection fees based on your service package (Telia €0.2278 per minute, Tele2 €0.23 per minute, Elisa €0.30 per minute – according to 31.08.2018).
If you are unable to contact the helpline 12550, please contact the number +372 681 3408 (regular rate).
In case of problems or questions that arise outside working hours, please send an e-mail to info@bussijaam.ee.
The history begins on May 23, 1922, when the city administration gave the architect and businessman F. Kangro the permit to open 5 bus lines.
City lines and intercity lines begin from Vene turg (Vene market) which was also known as Täiturg (flea market) and in 1939-1940 Viru square. The buses were lined up in front of what we now know as Viru hotel, right next to the New Market. The traffic organizer who also sold bus tickets worked in a small office at the corner of Pärnu road and Vene market.1940–1959
Buses still depart from the same place, only now it is known as the Stalin square. In 1949, after demolishing the market hall and moving the market to Tartu road district, intercity bus lines’ departure was moved to a square next to Estonia theatre. A year later, a suitable place was found for intercity bus lines at the side of the huge Stalin square at the beginning of Tartu road almost where Radisson hotel is today.1959–1961
At the beginning of 1959, the bus station was moved to its current location at the corner of Lastekodu and Odra street. The wooden 1-storied building on Stalin square was taken apart and re-built at the new bus station square right where there is bus line № 17 stops today.1961–1965
A new 2-storied bus station hall was built. According to the plan the new bus station complex was supposed to be ready by the Estonian SSR 25th anniversary on July 21, 1965. The plan was more or less fulfilled, although there were several shortages pointed out in the exploitation deed.